Image of Amy Orr in front of her former shop with her Son and Daughter

Interview for Conscious Bits Series

Interview for Conscious Bits Series

Back in May I was delighted to be featured on as part of their conscious bits series.

I talked all things cloth nappies and capsule wardrobes.

You can check out the link to the article here
Cloth Nappies:

When pregnant with my first child, Finn. I started researching into using cloth nappies.
Not only was there concern about the waste when it came to disposable nappies and the sheer volume that one baby can generate, but also the carbon footprint that disposable nappies create.

Unsure of what I was doing, I ordered a full kit of nappies.
It came with everything I needed to get started including 20 nappies, 6 breathable and waterproof covers, a lidded nappy pail and pail liner and I took it from there!

You can read my very first ever cloth nappy blog post here 

Fast forward four years and my knowledge has increased considerably!
I’m still using some of the same nappies on my daughter. I also volunteer with Cloth Nappy Library Ireland, running monthly cloth nappy meet ups.

Capsule Wardrobe:

It was also around this time when I started looking at my wardrobe. I didn’t want to spend a fortune on maternity clothing so I scoured Pinterest and I found so many blog posts about streamlining your maternity wardrobe.

The aim?
To increase my confidence in my changing body by making sure that everything in my wardrobe fit well and was easy to compose an outfit from.

Everything that I knew wouldn’t accommodate a growing bump was stored away and I invested in a few key maternity pieces.

One of the key pieces I invested in:
The same dress with my daughter 2 years later:
These pieces were worn in rotation with other items that I had in my wardrobe.

I also invested in a couple of pairs of jeans that were a size up from my regular size so that I had something to fit into after baby was born.

Post Partum:

After a considerable amount of time, the items I packed away would be taken out post baby and re-evaluated in terms of practicality, my love for the item and whether or not it would suit my brand new post-partum shape!

Some clothes I kept, some I had altered (HELLO ELASTIC WAISTBAND) and some got put back into storage until at least a good year after baby was born.

The skirt that I got altered

When I eventually got back to my pre baby weight and with a complete new body shape; I realised that my wardrobe, although sparse in comparison to my pre baby stockpile, was functional, comfortable and I felt good in everything I wore. Everything fit me just right.

Mission Accomplished!

I decided to continue on with the capsule wardrobe lifestyle and happened to come across the Project 333 capsule wardrobe challenge.

Today I’m still, albeit loosely, following the guidelines within the challenge.

If you want to follow along with my capsule wardrobe updates you can follow my personal Instagram account here  

These are just some of the changes I’ve made. They’re quite considerable ones but over the course of July I’ll be featuring posts with tips and ideas for the Plastic Free July Challenge.

Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to be kept up to date.

– Amy

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