A pad that’s good for your body
Eco Femme cloth sanitary pads are made of cotton and promote well being through the menstrual cycle.
Above all they are affordable, beautiful and ethically made by women for women.
Eco Femme not only promote sustainable and ethical production of their cloth pads, but they also help educate young women and girls in rural India and provide them with their very own cloth pads through their Pad for Pad and Pads for Sisters programmes.
This is one of the main reasons Youme is delighted to be able to stock this iconic brand.
A pad that’s good for the earth
Did you know that the average woman disposes of 136kgs of sanitary pads, tampons and applicators in her lifetime?
Using cloth pads can prevent thousands of kilos of non-biodegradable sanitary waste from going to landfill or being flushed into our oceans.
There’s also the fact that we don’t know what the ingredients are in disposables.
Not to mention the cost, which can be a huge problem for a lot of women and girls who can’t afford disposables.
Check out the video below for a little insight into the amazing work that Eco Femme do.