Partner with Me to help bridge the Period Poverty Gap
Discover Project
Helping to fight Period Poverty
Eco Femme are a global empowerment initiative who's focus is to create environmental and social change through revitalising menstrual practices that are healthy, sustainable, culturally responsive and empowering. For every Starter Kit that we donate to a young person in Ireland, Eco Femme donate 4 cloth pads to a young woman in Rural India through their Pad for Pad programme.
Discover our Period Care range
WUKA Teen Stretch Seamless - Heavy flow - Red
Eco Femme - Starter Kit Vibrant Organic
Our Partners
What Schools are Saying
Extremely Engaging and Informative
We found the workshop extremely engaging and informative for both the girls and boys in sixth class. The children engaged very well because they felt included. The workshop was presented in an age appropriate and dynamic way. Being able to see and hold some of the products that were spoken about increased the children's engagement and gave the children an opportunity to discuss menstruation and ask questions.
- Anne - Marie Keane
Waterford Educate Together Primary School
An open and safe space.
The girls found the workshop extremely helpful and felt more understanding after. Amy was confident and not afraid to tell her story. The girls felt it was an open and safe space.
- Ciara Murray
Our Lady of Mercy SNS