Bathroom Deep Dive Part 1!
Each week I’m going to be taking a look inside your bathroom and identifying plastic free alternatives to the items you’re using.
Hopefully these videos will save you time and money when it comes to replacing the items that you already own.
Remember. If you have it, use it.
One of the most sustainable things you can do is use what you already have.
This week I’m talking about the Cotton Bud!
Cotton buds rank number 3 in the top 10 plastic polluters in our oceans.
But let’s not diss them!
Cotton Buds have their uses! Unfortunately a lot of people still think it’s acceptable to flush them.
Spoiler! It’s not ok.
Chances are, they’re too small to get caught in waste water treatment systems so they end up being discharged to streams and rivers and eventually end up being washed out to sea and deposited on our beaches!
In this video I’m showing you zero waste alternatives to the generic cotton buds that are both better for the planet and your pocket!
- Amy